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Об актуальных вопросах организации стратегического перспективного планирования и проектирования развития электроэнергетики в рыночных условиях



The results of the 25-year reform of the electric power industry show that the economic balance between the industry and the real sector of the economy is significantly disrupted with a distortion in favor of the electric power industry, since the methods of state regulation of industry development and pricing are inadequate to the principles of market economy. The basis for inadequate state regulation are the errors of economic forecasting and the mechanisms for the formation of investment programs with the compulsion of consumers to finance their sale through "competitive power selection." The Russian Ministry of Energy is creating a new Competence Center in the industry Concrete proposals are formulated in the article to optimize its structure.

Ключевые слова

электроэнергетика; госрегулирование; Центр компетенций; стратегическое прогнозирование и планирование; electric power industry; state regulation; new Competence Center; strategic planning and development forecasting

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