О линиях электропередачи постоянного тока в Индии
The article describes the overhead transmission lines of high voltage direct current (lines HVDC) of India. The main characteristics of HVDC lines (voltage, power flow, lines length) are given in the table. Technical particulars of the attributes of the lines HVDC +/- (500,800,1100) kV are provided: conductors specifications, pole-to-pole spacing, conductors sag, above-ground conductors of poles height at tower insulators, right-of-way width, acceptable of radio interference field and audible noise limits, total electric field, ion current density so on. Circuit diagram multi -terminal HVDC transmission line Agra-Biswanth is given. In the context of the project South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation interconnecting HVDC lines of India with other countries are given: India-Bangladesh, India-Bhutan, India-Sri Lanka (this project having overhead line and submarine cable).
Ключевые слова
характеристики ВЛПТ; спецификации проводов полюсов; мульти-терминальная линия; передаваемая мощность; стрела провеса проводов; суммарное электрическое поле; плотность ионного тока; акустический шум. ширина полосы отчуждения; начальный градиент короны; SAARC; main characteristics; lines HVDC; conductors of poles specifications; multi- terminal line; power flow; conductors sag; total electric field; ion current density; audible noise; right-of-way width; corona onset gradient
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