

Развитие электроники для ветряных турбин - рыночный анализ[1] Часть 2
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EWEA. Chinese Wind Energy Association. Data sent by email by Mr. Alfred Zhao: 2010.
AEE. Asociaciуn Empresarial Eуlica (Spanish Wind Energy Association). Installation database available on the Internet plus additional information provided by Mr. Alberto Cena and Mr. Emilien Simonot; 2010
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BNEF. Bloomberg New Energy Finance: wind energy research note: driving to 5MW and beyond: 2nd June 2010.
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Jahapgiria A., Radana A., Haghshcnasb M. Synchronous control of indirect matrix converter for three-phase power conditioner. Electric Power Systems Research 2010:80:857-68
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